Our Program For Year 2009-2015
Jadual Kursus & Rawatan Sepanjang Tahun 2009
8th International Conference
Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Oriental & Complementary Medicine
4 & 5th October 2009 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
More info…http://charitymedic.tripod.com |
All Courses either Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Al-Hijamah , Bekam and other Courses are open
throughout the year
Semua kursus terbuka setiap bulan
Time Table Seminar / Lecture at Our FAHOM & HOSNO
Kursus Pelajar Sepenuh Masa Berjalan Setiap Hari Dari Jam 9.00 pagi hingga 4.00 petang. Hari Jumaat
Berikut adalah Seminar / Kursus-Kursus Khas
Sepanjang Tahun 2009 -2015
Lecture In English / Malay or Chinese
January 2009
8 - 12th Homeopathic Volunteer - A group DRTB will be serving at Kg Cham, Cambodia,
headed by Dr Nik Omar.
10th Eiddul Azhar - Hari Raya Haji - Korban di Cambodia
24 Jan - 3rd Febuary : MRHP President will be visiting various Homeopathic Organisation
in India such as Homeopathic Hospital in Kolkata, National Institute of Homeopathy, Pareek Foundation in Agra, meet with members
of AHML & CCH Ministry of Health, India.
25 - 27th - Chinese New Year
February 2009
March 2009
- 15th March - Mesyuarat Majlis Senat FAHOM
- 16 March -Seminar on Homeopathy Masakini oleh Prof Dr Nik Omar
- 16th - Homeopathy For Arabs by Kocabas & Mohd Sidek, Saudi Arabia.
- 17 March - Akupunktur Untuk Orang Baru oleh Ac Nik Fairuz Hakim. See our web: http://kelantan.xaper.com
- 18 March - Majlis Al-Sura di Kampus FAHOM, 3 kuali besar
- 18 March - Pergambaran di Kampus FAHOM oleh RTM
- 14-20 March Special Holoiday Course Homeopathy / Akupunktur
- 22 March - Kronik Miasm oleh Prof Che Musa
- 24 March - Materia Medica oleh Prof Mat Zin Ab Rahman
- April 2009
- 4 April - Introduction to Homeopathy - Jasmine May from Canada
- 5th April - Mesyuarat Senat FAHOM
- 6 April - Homeopathic Pharmacy by Prof Nik Omar
- 7 April - Homeopathic Dose & Potency by Prof Mohd Nasir
- 11th April - Mesyuarat Jawatan Kuasa Agong MRHP - Birthday of Prophet Mohammed SAW
- 12 April - Acupuncture & Diseases by Nik Fairuz Hakim
- 19 April - Tissue Remedies by Prof Dr Nik Omar
- 27 April - Organon of Medicine by Prof Mohd Nasir
May 2009
- 2nd May - FAHOM & HOSNO Festival
- 3rd May - Acupuncture Meridian by Nik Fairuz
- 4th May - First Aid & Homeopathy by Yusoff Said
- 5th May - Stroke & Acupuncture Treatment by Prof Nik Omar
- 10th May - Mesyuarat Senat FAHOM
- 11th May - Kebaikan Homeopathy (Malay) by Prof Che Musa
- 18th May - Before & After Operation by Prof Nik Omar
- 24th May - Reflexology Course by Nik Badrul Hakim
June 2009
1st - 12th June - Special Program - School Holiday -Homeopathy & Acupuncture Courses.
- 7th June - Mesyuarat Senat FAHOM
- 9th June - Cabaran dan Keunggulan Perubatan Islam oleh Dr Yusoff Sidek
- 10th June - Disection & Surgery In Homeopathy by Prof Dr Nik
- 15hb June - Mesyuarat AJK MRHP Pusat
- 16 hb June - Perbezaan antara Nux Vomiva & Pulsatilla oleg prof Mat Zin
- 18th June - DRTB Khidmat bakti di Ulu Kelantan.
- 28th June - Special Program For Canadian Student (Acupuncture)
July 2009
- 4th July - BBQ Kambing at our Campus 8.00 pm Laman Bazilah
- 5th July - Mesyuarat Senat FAHOM
- 7th July - Diseases of The Skin & Homeopathic Treatment by Prof Nik
- 9th July - Pesta Kuda di High Chapparal, FAHOM, Gelang Mas
- 13th July - Materia Medica Comparision by Prof Mat Zin
- 20th July - Blood Disorder & Homeopathy by Prof Mohd Nasir
- 29th July - Homeopathic Pharmacoepia by Zawiah & Siti
August 2009
- 2nd August - High Tech Evidence of Acupuncture by Prof Nik Omar
- 3rd - Mesyuarat Senat FAHOM
- 4th - The Old & Forgotten Remedies by Prof Mohd Nasir
- 10th - Cupping (Al-Hijamah) Bekam by Nik Badrul Hakim
- 16th - Mesyuarat AJK Agong MRHP
- 23rd - Ear Acupuncture - Auricular Therapy by Nik Fairuz, D.Ac,M.Ac
- 24th - Organon of Medicine Comaprision between 5th & 6th Edition by Prof Dr Nik Omar
- 26th - The Grounds of Homeopath's Fath by Dr Iskandar Muda
- 30th - If One remedy fail by Prof Mohd Nasir
September 2009
- 2- 3rd - 8th ICHCM meeting at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 7th - Mesyuarat AJK Agong MRHP Pusat
- 9th - Diseases of Females & Infant at The Brest by Prof Nik Omar
- 13th - Phenomena of Nature & The Quran; Ayat 31:28 About Reproduction " He created you and recreated you in no other
way but as a single life cell. -by Prof Mat Zin.
- 22th - Philosophy of healing by Prof Mohd Nasir
- 24th - First Day of Rammdhan - Muslim Fasting Month
- 29th - Perbandingan antara Perubatan Alternatif Di Dunia oleh Prof Che Musa & Amin Mohd Zin.
- 30th - Practise of medicine by Dr Rusli
Oktober 2009
- 3th - Mesyuarat Senat FAHOM
- 4 & 5th October 2009 - 8th International Conference at Kuala Lumpur
- 6th - Miracle Cure of Homeopathy by Prof Mohd Nasir
- 7th - Introduction Course on Reiki by Dr Akhbar
- 8th - Mesyuarat AJK Agong MRHP Pusat
- 12 - High & Low Potency in Homeopathic Prescribing by Prof Nik
- 20th - Acupuncture Course, Yin & Yang Philosophy by Nik Fairuz
- 21 Deepavali
- 24-26 - Hari Raya Haji - Eiddul Fitr
- 27th - Kent Homeopathic Repertory by Prof Nik
November 2009
- 1st Nov.- Cancer & Homeopathy by Prof Dr Nik
- 2nd Nov.-Why Using Polycrest In Homeopathy ?by Prof Mohd Nasir
- 18th - 25th Nov - Special Holidays Program In Homeopathy and Acupuncture Courses For Advance Students.
- 19th Mesyuarat Agong Tahunan MRHP Pusat
December 2009 ( Rain & Monsoon In Kelantan )
- 3rd - Mesyuarat Senat FAHOM
- 7th - Acupuncture Course by Nik Fairuz Hakim, M.Ac.
- 26th - Flood Festival - Hospital & College Closed for 1 week
Nota: Jadual boleh berubah, jika masa tidak mengizinkan.
8th International Conference
Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Oriental & Complementary Medicine
4 & 5th October 2009 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
More info…http://charitymedic.tripod.com |
or ICAOCM 2009
Benefits of Joining
There are several benefits to becoming a member of our organization. Our members are close friends and we have a great
time when we get together. Of course we also have a common interest, and we hope to further our cause.
Official Opening Ceremony
Hospital Homeopathy Nik Omar
We would like to invite all homeopath / acupuncturist to 8 th International Conference on Acupuncture, Homeopathy
& Complementary Medicine from
4 & 5th October 2009 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Semua ahli-ahli homeopati / akupunktur dan keluarga Prof Dr Nik Omar dijemput untuk menghadiri Majlis Perasmian Hospital
Baru Homeopathy Dr Nik Omar di Pasir Mas serta 'Majlis Naik Rumah Baru', Majlis Malaudulirasul dan Khenduri Arwah.
Upacara Majlis:
8.00 pagi Pertandingan Ketawa Terbaik. Perserta dikenakan bayaran RM1.00 ( Hadiah Pertama basikal, ke2
& ke3 Barangan elektrik)
8.30 pagi Pertandingan Melukis Untuk Anak-Anak bawah umur 7 tahun, terbuka kepada semua anak-anak disekolah
tadika, kemas, pasti, dll.Masuk percuma.
12.00 tengahari hingga 6.00 pertang Jamuan Nasi
*Semua majlis akan berlangsung di Tapak Hospital-HOSNO Gelang Mas.
The Malaysian Arabian Horse Breeder |
Kaaba Khan, The leading Arabian Stallion in Malaysia. Own by The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia. |
Prof Nik Omar Address:
No.122 Taman Universiti, Kg Gelang Mas,
Bunut Susu, Pasir Mas, kelantan
128 jalan Raja Abdullah, Kg Baru
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: Pasir Mas 09-7972948, KL 03-26926549
Hotline 019-9401915